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🩊 Firefox 131.0.3


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...nÄgon borde lÀra mozillas svenska översÀttare, skillnaden mellan en uppdatering och en uppgradering.

Inte bara mozillas översÀttare, nÀr man tÀnker vidare...  :rolleyes:

Det slarvas vÄrdslöst över hela linjen!

Redigerad av e-son
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Firefox 37.0: https://www.mozilla.org/sv-SE/firefox/new/

  • NEW Heartbeat user rating system – your feedback about Firefox
  • NEW Yandex set as default search provider for the Turkish locale
  • NEW Bing search now uses HTTPS for secure searching
  • NEW Improved protection against site impersonation via OneCRL centralized certificate revocation
  • NEW Opportunistically encrypt HTTP traffic where the server supports HTTP/2 AltSvc
  • CHANGED Disabled insecure TLS version fallback for site security
  • CHANGED Extended SSL error reporting for reporting non-certificate errors
  • CHANGED TLS False Start optimization now requires a cipher suite using AEAD construction
  • CHANGED Improved certificate and TLS communication security by removing support for DSA
  • CHANGED Improved performance of WebGL rendering on Windows
  • HTML5 Implemented a subset of the Media Source Extensions (MSE) API to allow native HTML5 playback on YouTube
  • HTML5 Added support for CSS display:contents
  • HTML5 IndexedDB now accessible from worker threads
  • HTML5 New SDP/JSEP implementation in WebRTC
  • DEVELOPER Debug tabs opened in Chrome Desktop, Chrome for Android, and Safari for iOS
  • DEVELOPER New Inspector animations panel to control element animations
  • DEVELOPER New Security Panel included in Network Panel
  • DEVELOPER Debugger panel support for chrome:// and about:// URIs
  • DEVELOPER Added logging of weak ciphers to the web console


Redigerad av JoWa
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Firefox 38 beta: https://www.mozilla.org/sv-SE/firefox/channel/#beta

  • NEW New tab-based Preferences
  • NEW Share the active tab or window in a Hello conversation – enabled for first half of the beta cycle
  • NEW Keep track of articles and blog posts with the Reading List – enabled for the first half of the beta cycle
  • NEW Ruby support
  • NEW Base for the next ESR release.
  • CHANGED autocomplete=off is no longer supported for username/password fields
  • CHANGED URL parser avoids doing percent encoding when setting the Fragment part of the URL, and percent decoding when getting the Fragment in line with the URL spec
  • CHANGED RegExp.prototype.source now returns “(? :)” instead of the empty string for empty regular expressions
  • CHANGED Page load times improved by speculative connection warmup
  • HTML5 WebSocket now available in Web Workers
  • HTML5 Implemented srcset attribute and <picture> element for responsive images
  • HTML5 Implemented DOM3 Events KeyboardEvent.code
  • HTML5 BroadcastChannel API implemented (more at hacks.mozilla.org)
  • HTML5 Mac OS X: Implemented a subset of the Media Source Extensions (MSE) API to allow native HTML5 playback on YouTube
  • HTML5 Implemented Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) API to support encrypted HTML5 video/audio playback
  • HTML5 Automatically download Adobe Primetime Content Decryption Module (CDM) for DRM playback through EME
  • DEVELOPER Optimized-out variables are now visible in Debugger UI
  • DEVELOPER XMLHttpRequest logs in the web console are now visually labelled and can be filtered separately from regular network requests
  • DEVELOPER copy command added to console
  • DEVELOPER WebRTC now has multistream and renegotiation support
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Har lÀst pÄ ReleaseWiki att Firefox 38 kommer idag nÄn gÄng under eftermiddagen jag brukar uppdatera den via den inbyggda uppdateraren.



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Firefox 38.0: https://www.mozilla.org/sv-SE/firefox/new/

  • NEW New tab-based preferences
  • NEW Ruby annotation support
  • NEW Base for the next ESR release.
  • CHANGED autocomplete=off is no longer supported for username/password fields
  • CHANGED URL parser avoids doing percent encoding when setting the Fragment part of the URL, and percent decoding when getting the Fragment in line with the URL spec
  • CHANGED RegExp.prototype.source now returns “(? :)” instead of the empty string for empty regular expressions
  • CHANGED Improved page load times via speculative connection warmup
  • HTML5 WebSocket now available in Web Workers
  • HTML5 BroadcastChannel API implemented
  • HTML5 Implemented srcset attribute and <picture> element for responsive images
  • HTML5 Implemented DOM3 Events KeyboardEvent.code
  • HTML5 Mac OS X: Implemented a subset of the Media Source Extensions (MSE) API to allow native HTML5 playback on YouTube
  • HTML5 Implemented Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) API to support encrypted HTML5 video/audio playback (Windows Vista or later only)
  • HTML5 Automatically download Adobe Primetime Content Decryption Module (CDM) for DRM playback through EME (Windows Vista or later only)
  • DEVELOPER Optimized-out variables are now visible in Debugger UI
  • DEVELOPER XMLHttpRequest logs in the web console are now visually labelled and can be filtered separately from regular network requests
  • DEVELOPER WebRTC now has multistream and renegotiation support
  • DEVELOPER copy command added to console
  • FIXED Various security fixes
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Postad (redigerade)

I senaste firefox 38, Àr denna "knapp" en nyhet? och vad Àr syftet med den, ser ut som ett +
till höger om url-fÀltet,

jag kör inte original temat sÄ den kan se annorlunda ut för er.

mvh alex


Redigerad av alex_m
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I senaste firefox 38, Àr denna "knapp" en nyhet? och vad Àr syftet med den, ser ut som ett +

till höger om url-fÀltet,

jag kör inte original temat sÄ den kan se annorlunda ut för er.

mvh alex


Syns det nÄgon text (tool tip) nÀr du hÄller musen ovanpÄ?

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Nej ingen tool tip. Det hÀnder heller inget nÀr man trycker pÄ knappen. Om nÄgon vet vad den Àr till för vore det kul att veta.

Syns det nÄgon text (tool tip) nÀr du hÄller musen ovanpÄ?

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Tack för pÄminnelsen, DAson. Jag har varit lÄngt ifrÄn min dator nÄgra dagar, men nu Àr ordningen ÄterstÀlld, sÄ hÀr kommer:


Firefox 38.0.1: https://www.mozilla.org/sv-SE/firefox/new/

  • FIXED Systems with first generation NVidia Optimus graphics cards may crash on start-up
  • FIXED Users who import cookies from Google Chrome can end up with broken websites
  • FIXED Large animated images may fail to play and may stop other images from loading
  • FIXED WebRTC H264 video streams from CiscoSpark native clients are not decoded correctly. (Fixed in Firefox ESR 38.0.1; was already fixed in Firefox 38.0)
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Det var sÄ lite sÄ det brukar alltid komma en fix sÄ fort det slÀpps en ny version av Firefox, varför gör det de Àr det nÄgot de glömde eller Àr det buggfixar.



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Firefox 39 beta: https://www.mozilla.org/sv-SE/firefox/channel/#beta

  • NEW Support for new Unicode 8.0 skin tone emoji
  • NEW SafeBrowsing malware detection lookups enabled for downloads (Mac OS X and Linux)
  • NEW The malware detection service for downloads now covers common Mac extensions
  • NEW Support for ‘switch’ role in ARIA 1.1 (web accessibility)
  • CHANGED Removed support for insecure SSLv3 for network communications
  • CHANGED NPAPI Plug-in performance improved via asynchronous initialization
  • CHANGED Smoother animation and scrolling (Mac OS X)
  • CHANGED Performance of displaying dashed lines is improved (Mac OS X) Bug 1123019)
  • CHANGED Disable use of RC4 except for temporarily whitelisted hosts
  • HTML5 Added support for CSS Scroll Snap Points
  • HTML5 List-style-type now accepts a string value
  • HTML5 Cascading of CSS transitions and animations now matches the current spec
  • HTML5 Implement <link rel=“preconnect”>
  • HTML5 Enable the Fetch API for network requests from dedicated, shared and service workers
  • DEVELOPER Drag and drop enabled for nodes in Inspector markup view
  • DEVELOPER Webconsole input history persists even after closing the toolbox
  • DEVELOPER Cubic bezier tooltip now shows a gallery of timing-function presets for use with CSS animations
  • DEVELOPER localhost is now available offline for WebSocket connections
  • FIXED Improve performance for IPv6 fallback to IPv4
  • FIXED The Security state indicator on a page now correctly ignores loads caused by previous pages
  • FIXED Fix incomplete downloads being marked as complete by detecting broken HTTP1.1 transfers
  • FIXED Fixed an issue where a Hello conversation window would sometimes fail to open
Det finns nu en version utan EME-implementering: https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/39.0b1/win32-EME-free/sv-SE/(39 beta 1)
F.ö. finns frÄn och med 37 beta 2 Firefox 64-bit för Windows. Firefox 39 beta 1, 64-bit: https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/39.0b1/win64/sv-SE/
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Är det nĂ„gon nackdel att ha EME varianten? Förutom rent principiellt att det inte borde behövas i en sund vĂ€rld.

Bara om du vill spela upp DRM-skyddad media i webblÀsaren.

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Firefox 38.0.5: https://www.mozilla.org/sv-SE/firefox/new/

  • NEW Keep track of articles and videos with Pocket
  • NEW Clean formatting for articles and blog posts with Reader View
  • NEW Share the active tab or window in a Hello conversation
  • FIXED A race condition that would cause Firefox to stop painting when switching tabs (bug 1067470)
  • FIXED Fixed graphics performance when using the built-in VGA driver on Windows 7 (Bug 1165732)
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