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🩊 Firefox 131.0


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34.0.5: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/34.0.5/win32/sv-SE/

  • NEW Default search engine changed to Yahoo! for North America
  • NEW Default search engine changed to Yandex for Belarusian, Kazakh, and Russian locales
  • NEW Improved search bar (en-US only)
  • NEW Firefox Hello real-time communication client
  • NEW Easily switch themes/personas directly in the Customizing mode
  • NEW Wikipedia search now uses HTTPS for secure searching (en-US only)
  • NEW Implementation of HTTP/2 (draft14) and ALPN
  • NEW Recover from a locked Firefox process in the "Firefox is already running" dialog on Windows
  • CHANGED Disabled SSLv3
  • CHANGED Proprietary window.crypto properties/functions re-enabled (to be removed in Firefox 35)
  • CHANGED Firefox signed by Apple OS X version 2 signature
  • HTML5 ECMAScript 6 WeakSet Implemented
  • HTML5 JavaScript Template Strings Implemented
  • HTML5 CSS3 Font variants and features control (e.g. kerning) implemented
  • HTML5 WebCrypto: RSA-OAEP, PBKDF2 and AES-KW support
  • HTML5 WebCrypto: wrapKey and unwrapKey implemented
  • HTML5 WebCrypto: Import/export of JWK-formatted keys
  • HTML5 matches() DOM API implemented (formerly mozMatchesSelector())
  • HTML5 Performance.now() for workers implemented
  • HTML5 WebCrypto: ECDH support
  • DEVELOPER WebIDE: Create, edit, and test a new Web application from your browser
  • DEVELOPER Highlight all nodes that match a given selector in the Style Editor and the Inspector's Rules panel
  • DEVELOPER Improved User Interface of the Profiler
  • DEVELOPER console.table function added to web console
  • FIXED CSS transitions start correctly when started at the same time as changes to display, position, overflow, and similar properties
  • FIXED Various security fixes
Redigerad av JoWa
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BÄde 34.0 och 34.0.5 slÀpptes i gÄr. I Àndringsloggarna Àr det NEW Default search engine changed to Yahoo! for North America (34.0.5) som Àr den enda skillnaden.

34.0: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/34.0/releasenotes/

34.0.5: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/34.0.5/releasenotes/

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Firefox 35 beta: https://www.mozilla.org/sv-SE/firefox/channel/#beta

  • NEW Built-in support for H264 (MP4) on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) and newer through native APIs
  • NEW Improved handling of dynamic styling changes to increase responsiveness
  • NEW Implemented HTTP Public Key Pinning Extension (for enhanced authentication of encrypted connections)
  • HTML5 Changed JavaScript ‘let’ semantics
  • HTML5 Resource Timing API implemented
  • HTML5 CSS filters enabled by default
  • HTML5 WebSocket available in Workers
  • DEVELOPER Support for inspecting ::before and ::after pseudo elements
  • DEVELOPER Computed view: Nodes matching the hovered selector are now highlighted
  • FIXED Show DOM Properties context menu item in inspector
  • FIXED Reduced resource usage for scaled images
  • FIXED PDF.js updated to version 1.0.907
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  • 1 mĂ„nad senare...

Firefox 35.0: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/35.0/win32/sv-SE/

  • NEW Firefox Hello with new rooms-based conversations model
  • NEW New search UI improved and enabled for more locales
  • NEW Access the Firefox Marketplace from the Tools menu and optional toolbar button
  • NEW Built-in support for H264 (MP4) on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) and newer through native APIs
  • NEW Improved handling of dynamic styling changes to increase responsiveness
  • NEW Implemented HTTP Public Key Pinning Extension (for enhanced authentication of encrypted connections)
  • NEW Use tiled rendering on OS X
  • NEW Improved high quality image resizing performance
  • HTML5 Changed JavaScript ‘let’ semantics to match the ES6 specification
  • HTML5 Resource Timing API implemented
  • HTML5 CSS filters enabled by default
  • HTML5 Added support for the CSS Font Loading API
  • DEVELOPER Support for inspecting ::before and ::after pseudo elements
  • DEVELOPER Computed view: Nodes matching the hovered selector are now highlighted
  • DEVELOPER Network Monitor: New request/response headers view (more info)
  • DEVELOPER Added support for the EXT_blend_minmax WebGL extension
  • FIXED Show DOM Properties context menu item in inspector
  • FIXED Reduced resource usage for scaled images
  • FIXED PDF.js updated to version 1.0.907
  • FIXED Non-HTTP(S) XHR now returns correct status code
  • FIXED Various security fixes
Redigerad av JoWa
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Firefox 36 beta: https://www.mozilla.org/sv-SE/firefox/channel/#beta

  • NEW Pinned tiles on the new tab page can be synced
  • NEW New preferences implementation enabled for the first half of the beta cycle
  • CHANGED -remote option removed
  • CHANGED No longer accept insecure RC4 ciphers whenever possible
  • CHANGED Add-on Compatibility
  • HTML5 Support for the ECMAScript 6 Symbol data type added
  • HTML5 unicode-range CSS descriptor implemented
  • HTML5 CSSOM-View scroll behavior implemented (allowing smooth scrolling of content without custom libraries)
  • HTML5 object-fit and object-position implemented
  • HTML5 isolation CSS property implemented
  • HTML5 CSS3 will-change property implemented
  • HTML5 Improved new ES6 generators for better performance
  • HTML5 Changed JavaScript ‘const’ semantics to conform better to the ES6 specification
  • HTML5 Implemented a subset of the Media Source Extensions (MSE) API to allow native HTML5 playback on YouTube. Full support is on the way
  • DEVELOPER Use the filename supplied by the //# sourceURL= directive for stack frames in the string returned by the Error.prototype.stack getter.
  • DEVELOPER DOM Promises inspection
  • DEVELOPER Inspector: More paste options in markup view
  • FIXED CSS gradients work on premultiplied colors
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Firefox 35.0.1: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/35.0.1/win32/sv-SE/

  • FIXED 35.0.1 - With the Enhanced Steam extension, Firefox could crash (1123732)
  • FIXED 35.0.1 - Fix a potential startup crash (1122367)
  • FIXED 35.0.1 - Kerberos authentication did not work with alias (1108971)
  • FIXED 35.0.1 - SVG / CSS animation had a regression causing rendering issues on websites like openstreemap.org (1083079)
  • FIXED 35.0.1 - On Godaddy webmail, Firefox could crash (1113121)
  • FIXED 35.0.1 - document.baseURI did not get updated to document.location after base tag was removed from DOM for site with a CSP (1121857)
  • FIXED 35.0.1 - With a Right-to-left (RTL) version of Firefox, the text selection could be broken (1104036)
  • FIXED 35.0.1 - CSP had a change in behavior with regard to case sensitivity resources loading (1122445)
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  • 5 veckor senare...

Firefox 36.0: https://www.mozilla.org/sv-SE/firefox/new/

  • NEW Pinned tiles on the new tab page can be synced
  • NEW Support for the full HTTP/2 protocol. HTTP/2 enables a faster, more scalable, and more responsive web.
  • NEW Locale added: Uzbek (uz)
  • CHANGED -remote option removed
  • CHANGED No longer accept insecure RC4 ciphers whenever possible
  • CHANGED Phasing out Certificates with 1024-bit RSA Keys
  • CHANGED Shut down hangs will now show the crash reporter before exiting the program
  • CHANGED Add-on Compatibility
  • HTML5 Support for the ECMAScript 6 Symbol data type added
  • HTML5 unicode-range CSS descriptor implemented
  • HTML5 CSSOM-View scroll behavior implemented allowing smooth scrolling of content without custom libraries
  • HTML5 object-fit and object-position implemented.
    Defines how and where the content of a replaced element is displayed
  • HTML5 isolation CSS property implemented.
    Create a new stacking context to isolate groups of boxes to control which blend together
  • HTML5 CSS3 will-change property implemented.
    Hints the browser of elements that will be modified. The browser will perform some performance optimization for these
  • HTML5 Changed JavaScript 'const' semantics to conform better to the ES6 specification.
    The const declaration is now block-scoped and requires an initializer. It also can not be redeclared anymore.
  • HTML5 Improved ES6 generators for better performance
  • DEVELOPER Eval sources now appear in the Debugger
    Debug JavaScript code that is evaluated dynamically, either as a string passed to eval() or as a string passed to the Function constructor
  • DEVELOPER DOM Promises inspection
  • DEVELOPER Inspector: More paste options in markup view
  • FIXED CSS gradients work on premultiplied colors
  • FIXED Fix some unexpected logout from Facebook or Google after restart
  • FIXED Various security fixes



Denna version har stöd för den skarpa versionen av HTTP/2 (h2). Inte mÄnga servrar stöder h2, men Twitters servrar gör det.


“No longer accept insecure RC4 ciphers whenever possible” innebĂ€r att Firefox döljer sitt stöd för RC4, och anvĂ€nder det endast dĂ„ ingen sĂ€krare chiffersvit Ă€r tillgĂ€nglig, d.v.s. samma beteende som IE pĂ„ Windows 8.1+.

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Firefox 37 beta: https://www.mozilla.org/sv-SE/firefox/channel/#beta

  • NEW Heartbeat user rating system - your feedback about Firefox
  • NEW Bing search now uses HTTPS for secure searching
  • NEW Added support for OneCRL for centralized certificate revocation
  • NEW Removed support for DSA in certificates and TLS
  • NEW Added support for e-mail name constraints in certificates
  • NEW Implemented HTTP/2 AltSvc support for opportunistic (unauthenticated) encryption
  • NEW New preferences implementation enabled for the first half of the beta cycle
  • CHANGED Disabled insecure TLS version fallback for site security
  • CHANGED Extended SSL error reporting for reporting non-certificate errors
  • CHANGED TLS False Start optimization now requires a cipher suite using AEAD construction
  • HTML5 Implemented a subset of the Media Source Extensions (MSE) API to allow native HTML5 playback on YouTube.
  • HTML5 WebSocket now available in Web Workers
  • HTML5 IndexedDB now accessible from worker threads
  • HTML5 Added support for CSS display:contents
  • DEVELOPER Debug tabs opened in Chrome Desktop, Chrome for Android, and Safari for iOS
  • DEVELOPER New Inspector animations panel to control element animations
  • DEVELOPER New Security Panel included in Network Panel
  • DEVELOPER Debugger panel support for chrome:// and about:// URIs
  • DEVELOPER Added logging of weak ciphers to the web console
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  • FIXED 36.0.1 - Disable the usage of the ANY DNS query type (1093983)
  • FIXED 36.0.1 - Fixed a startup crash with EMET (1137050)
  • FIXED 36.0.1 - Hello may become inactive until restart (1137469)
  • FIXED 36.0.1 - Print preferences may not be preserved (1136855)
  • FIXED 36.0.1 - Hello contact tabs may not be visible (1137141)
  • FIXED 36.0.1 - Accept hostnames that include an underscore character (”_”) (1136616)
  • FIXED 36.0.1 - WebGL may use significant memory with Canvas2d (1137251)
  • FIXED 36.0.1 - Option -remote has been restored (1080319)
  • FIXED 36.0.1 - Fix a top crash

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  • 2 veckor senare...

SÄg pÄ Releases MozillaWiki att Firefox 37 kommer 31 mars. Vad har Firefox 37 för features vet du nÄt om det eller Àr det samma som vanligt.



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Nyheterna i Firefox 37 listas i ett tidigare inlÀgg.


Till de intressantare nyheterna hör ”Implemented HTTP/2 AltSvc support for opportunistic (unauthenticated) encryption”. ”Opportunistisk” kryptering innebĂ€r att kryptering anvĂ€nds Ă€ven om adressen börjar med http (inte https), förutsatt att servern erbjuder kryptering, förstĂ„s. Mer dĂ€rom i Opportunistic Security for HTTP.


”Added support for OneCRL for centralized certificate revocation”. OneCRL handlar om kontroll av Ă„terkallade (mellanliggande) certifikat. Mer dĂ€rom: Revoking Intermediate Certificates: Introducing OneCRL.

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